Thursday 19 December 2019

Is permanent hair removal for real – Laser Hair Removal

Is Laser hair removal permanent?
According to FDA Laser HairRemoval is cleared for permanent hair removal, however, every skin type is different and few clients have seen their hair grow back after a time.
When the hairs grow back, they are much lighter in and lesser in number.
Laser hair removal proves to be the best solution for hair reduction for a very a longer period of time.
How Does Laser hair removal work?
The ideology is to use high heat laser beams in the mild form to destroy your hair follicles which are responsible for hair growth. Since the follicles are damaged, hair growth disables for a sufficient period of time.
How many sessions are required to completely remove hair from your body?
To reach your desired goal of complete hair removal from skin, it is recommended to have 3 to 4 laser sessions.
The number of maintenance laser treatments vary person to person with spacing out each by about 6 weeks period.
Full laser treatment can go by around 9 months. Reducing and lightening hair by end of each session.
Hair reduces by 10 to 25% after the first session as per AAD.
For the ideal result, follow up sessions are required to ensure that hair follicles don’t regrow hair.
These follow-up maintenance sessions should take place at least once a year after full laser treatment.
Look for a skin specialist in Lahore

How to know the effectiveness of Laser Hair Removal treatment on your skin
Know your skin type:
Skin Type I – Very fair skin tone that burns the most in the sun. Not a common skin type for hair removal treatment.
Skin Type II –Fair skin that also burns in the skin but can tan with difficulty. Comparatively common skin type for laser treatment
Skin Type III – Beige skin that tans to brown and can burn with sun exposure.
Skin Type IV – Medium brown skin that rarely burns. YAG Laser treatment works best for them.
Skin Type V – The most common and frequently asked question is that does laser hair removal work on dark skin?
The answer is yes, in fact, Dark Brown skin type have the safest treatment with YAG Laser.

In a nutshell:
According to the studies and success stories, Laser hair removal works best on people having a light skin tone and darker hair. Also, for best results, the American Association of Dermatology (AAD) recommends that a board-certified dermatologist ought to perform the procedure.
Although Laser Hair removal treatment doesn’t claim at giving the permanent results, however, can give the permanent results solely depending on your skin type.
Laser can treat a number of skin conditions. Mole excision procedure is for mole removal.
Acne and acne scar treatment with laser the most popular.
After pregnancy stretch marks that are stubborn are also treated. 

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